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〜世界でここだけ!?藁焼き鴨しゃぶ酒場!!〜 都内では珍しい、鴨を存分に楽しみ尽くす店! まずは、レアでお召し上がり頂けるほどの上質な鴨肉を、産地直送ネギと一緒に鉄鍋で焼く、名物「鴨ネギ焼き」! そして鴨の脂と旨味が残っている鉄鍋に、特製出汁を注いで頂くメインの「藁燻(わらくん)鴨しゃぶ」!店頭の窯で藁と一緒に燻製した鴨肉は絶品!!山盛り九条ネギと白葱、特製鴨つくねが、脇役にして主役のオールスター鍋です。 〆には、鴨の旨味が詰まった出汁で頂く「雑炊・ラーメン・そば」をご用意。最後の一滴まで、どうぞ心ゆくまで鴨をご堪能下さい! その他にも鴨を使った一品料理がたくさんで、酒のあてに迷うほど。 JR吉祥寺駅から徒歩5分、極上の鴨体験を、都心よりもリーズナブルなお値段でお楽しみ頂けます。 地下にはお座敷もあるので小さいお子様連れの方にも大人気♩ 吉祥寺ワラガモ、皆様のご来店を心よりお待ち申し上げております。

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Waragamo offers innovative duck cuisine with a variety of duck dishes. We source highest-grade domestic ducks such as Iwate and Kyoto ducks from a renowned farm in Tochigi, and chemical-free vegetables direct from Kyoto.Our best recommendation is the exquisite grilled Kamo (Kamo-Thigh) with Japanese white spring onion, and shabu-shabu hotpot with Kamo (smoked duck from rice straw ). Kyoto spring onions with smoked Kamo-thigh and Kamo-loin from rice straw, plus Kamo meatballs are innovative combinations of the ingredients that are only available here. We also pick popular Yamanashi Prefecture Japanese traditional wines for your enjoyment. Waragamo is an attractive, sophisticated Japanese-modern space, including hideaway-like private rooms on the basement floor. Our restaurant is suited for dinner parties, dates,entertainment for your clients, business meals, and banquets.

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